Q & A

Frequently asked questions

Can you clarify what a you are?


Truth is…I have a gift and I use it on behalf of love…every damn time!

So ... I use all of my gifts, downloads, emotional intelligence and knowings and apply it to modalities like Spiritual Response Therapy, energy work, Shaman work, meditation, mindfulness and inner stabilization and several other skill sets I have worked hard on. I have loving big and gracious intuition and I use it to serve, to heal and to help others grow.

I am one of the lucky ones to use my abilities every damn day and I look forward to show them to you as a part of your sessions. I also use several other modalities that I have had my whole life. I found mentorship and many training courses, that have set the course of who I have become today.  With this all combined your session becomes a very precise focus of who you are, and allows a clear path to why you came.

I life coach

I group coach

I am a mindfulness facilitator

I run corporate mindfulness workshops

I run fantastically fun workshops and retreats

Can you tell me what ‘a session’ means?

Have you ever felt  like there was important information missing from your life?

As humans, fundamentally the energies of life are already there in place, our job isn’t to create the energy it is to ATTRACT it. Strip away fear, angst, anxiety, pain, suffering, worry, abandonment, anger, spite or any of the pieces of us that keep us from love and what are you left with…LOVE. Let’s show you how to do that.

Wondering the why’s ... Why am I so afraid of intimacy?  Why do I self sabotage? Why can I not seem to connect with those I want to the most? What is holding me back from my dream job, dream relationship. Where should I look when I’m trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up? ... even if you’re 80.

Let’s figure it out from the inside first instead of all the outside distractions.

When we learn our relationship back to ourselves through a spiritual connection, we understand the why's. Having the reasons explained to us,  offers us two amazing things.  

Number 1:  Removing the energy around it.

Number 2: The free will choice to not put the energy back.

We always have a choice. We have free will.

What this offers us with this level of work, when we unblock ourselves is the ability to grow within ourselves with trust, self love and honour.

Let’s dig into the why of you, let’s go into the the place where you can get out of your own way and see clearly.

I connect people back to themselves, let me show you how.

How do I prepare? Why am I so nervous about this?

Well, let’s break it down.

Having a session is at the bare bones, offering yourself an amazing gift.

The place you go to honour yourself.

The beauty of this is that when you allow the flow to begin, the ripple effect is unprecedented. This kind of gift is way, way bigger than you or me. It's soul level love.  

Despite the nerves, take a deep breath and come in with an open heart. That's all I ask.


I can do this from another city?

The incredible thing about this work is you can be face to face with me, over zoom. I have clients all of this beautiful planet, this is global work. I have over 400 clients and growing on a global level, I zoom all the time.

When you book just be sure to click the New Soul Session ONLINE.

is the things we share safe with you? Or rather…can I trust you?

Nothing and I mean nothing you say is repeated about you. I am a vault. I am a safe space.

There are few places on this planet where you can truly say what you mean without reaction, without judgement or hut and harm. I am that place. I am your soft place to fall.

 I adhere to their strict ethical guidelines when working with my clients. This assures me and you that your sessions will be done with expert care and confidentiality.

I am not a registered psychiatrist nor would I ever try those boots on. Trust me when I say if I had meant to become a psychologist, I would be one, I do things with definitive purpose. I have acquired years and years of training in many modalities, that combined with my gifts is the perfect combination. I am my own student of life, growing and actually learning, doing the work and taking those lessons and giving them as a gift.

If we can have this amazing experience of seeing each other face to face, be sure to come with slippers or socks if you feel the winter chill like I do and leave ego at the door. Come in with a big ‘ol open heart and ready your mind for truth.



Spirit is truly here to help you.

When you allow spirit and the flow of direction that comes with opening yourself up to examination, I’m telling you ... amazing things happen.

I always work with a set of rules, asking it in a particular order, and that leads to the discovery of the root of the issue from the frame work of the question. In other words, you can ask an external question regarding things outside of yourself, and then spirit with guide us to a frame of inner roots to work on to unblock the other things.

Those ‘THINGS’

can be:

  • Career questions

  • Love

  • Relationships

  • Discovering yourself

  • Grief

  • Seeking your person

  • emotional development

  • intuition building

  • Unhappiness

  • Anxiety

  • Abuse

  • Addiction

  • Understanding your divorce

  • Conflict with others

  • Understanding your children better

  • Empathic behaviours, how to protect yourself

  • Fears, weird ones and average ones

  • Your children are empaths, how to navigate that

  • Weight, or more the thing we understand...weight loss!

  • Wealth, that thing we equate with success mostly

  • Education, our desire to broaden our scope

  • Health, unhealthy practices, illness and the why of it

  • Being more connected, something we all seek to understand more of

  • Home, maybe a balance is needed or the icky needs to be removed

  • Developing or deepening your healing abilities, we are all healers at some level

Wait, I kinda don’t get it,

how does that work?

Well often folks come to me with a specific question or to address something directly and then they leave with so so many more understandings because of why they came. The answer is often not in the question at all but the question will lead you to truth. How fantastic!


Okay I'm ready...